Friday, January 29, 2010

..think it..

“verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the succession of night and day, there are indeed signs for those who are endowed with insight”


..As a muslim, there is no doubt that all the creation in the earth and all things
that exist in it are created by The Most Creator. He is the first reason for anything
that happened. He made a thing from nothing to something. Actually, human created
nothing but they found the creations of Allah day to day. Allah manages this earth
and decide the reasons of everything that happened on it. Why we must doubt
with this statement. We should realise some of the statement that came out
from scientist from west. People that have no faith and no nothing about the truth.
We, as a muslim should not allow them to poison our mind. They thought, all incident
like natural disaster happened because of the nature’s rule. We got the Holy of Quran
that can explain everything. The most perfect reference book. Why? Because this
is the only book that created by God not a human that have limit thinking. The reality is,
all the research that we did and all new things that we knew just only for one main
reason which is to show how much powerful the Creator. On the other hand, to make us realise, even though how much genius a scientist, he still cannot explain certain thing in sciene.
Because the secret in creation of Allah, if we compare with the foams in all the oceans
that exist in the earth, it is still not enough.
The different between the Creator and us that were

1 comment:

NuRuL said...

hehe..assignment environment kot..